Hardy, early to mid-fall flowering bulb
Description: Produces 1-5 widely opened, rich lilac flowers with dark purple veins on short stems; leaves are borne with or shortly after flowers
Habit: Flowering stem 3-5 inches high
Culture: Prefers well-drained soil and full sun to light shade; plant 3-4 inches deep
Hardiness: USDA Zones 6 through 9
Although in cultivation since Roman times, the Saffron Crocus is not known to exist in the wild. It is the source of the culinary herb saffron, which is the long, conspicuous deep red stigma present in each flower. Saffron production became a major industry in England after its introduction in the 14th century. It has been documented in American gardens since the 18th century. In 1807, Jefferson requested “Saffron” roots from Philadelphia nurseryman Bernard McMahon.
10 bulbs per bag.