Harvested from the gardens at Monticello.
Cushaws likely originated in the West Indies before 1700, and this heirloom is believed to be the same variety cultivated before 1860 as 'Improved Cushaw'. Thomas Jefferson cultivated numerous squashes at Monticello, including 'long crooked' and 'warted' summer squash, 'Cymlings', and winter varieties. 'Green-Striped Cushaw' is a hardy winter squash with distinctively green-striped white skin and thick, yellow, mildly sweet flesh good for baking. It produces vigorous, borer-resistant vines; and medium-large, oblong, pear-shaped fruits with crooked necks, weighing 5-15 pounds.
Direct sow seeds in hills or rows after the last spring frost; for hills, sow 6-8 seeds per 12"-wide hill, then thin to the best 3 plants per hill. To grow in a shorter season, start indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Approximately 10-12 seeds per packet.